We strive for 100% senior participation! Tell your friends to sign up!

This is a fun and memorable way to conclude your high school career!

CLICK THE LINK below to  access INFO about the night's events!

Start off with food in the cafeteria, win prizes (movie tickets, TVs, gift cards, gas cards, etc.), watch a hypnotist make your friends do funny things & cruise around Manhattan Island!  Food, DJ and fun on the boat!

The expense of this night is covered through a joint effort of community, parents (freshman through senior), dedicated committee members and students involved in Project Graduation fund-raising.

For over 35 years, our seniors have been able to safely celebrate their 4-year achievement together without accident or incident due to this committee's efforts.

Project Gradation Night

Fun * food * prizes * cruise around manhattan

Parent volunteers from 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th grades needed!
Get involved today!!!  The students  & committee thank you!

Drug & Alcohol Free Night!

Funded by Parent & Community Efforts!